What Is A Come Bet In Craps

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Craps can have a very high variance (intensity of up & down swings) when you place full odds on your Line & Come bets. Magical vegas login. And, if you are not properly bankrolled, you may go broke within a few minutes at the table. Personally, I'm kind of a low roller. I'll usually do a Line bet and 1 Come bet (both with odds). If I'm winning, I might go to 2 Come. Odds for the Come Bet. The Come bet is among the most basic types of bets one can place at the craps table. Since its chances of winning are greater, it pays out even money meaning that if you place a $10 wager, you can win another $10. A put bet is like a come bet made after a point has already been established. I don't recommend put bets because the value from come bets comes from the first roll, before any point is established. On a the first roll of a come bet the probability of winning is 22.22%, and the probability of losing is 11.11%. Wonder 4 jackpots.

  1. Come Bet In Craps Strategy
  2. Betting On The Come

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I am new at craps, and have learned that it is advisable to have 3 total bets max at a time (pass line bet and two come bets, all with odds). What should I do if I win a come bet or two, continue placing more come bets somImalways have 3 on the table? Or, should I take my winnings for each point won, and going from 3 bets, to 2, then 1 after a few wins, (leaving just the place bet) and wait until a 7 comes up,and we start over?
2nd question. Do most people play as many come bets as possible or stop at 3 total bets. I've seen videos where they keep placing come bets until all the numbers are covered, and then they continue to make come bets after winning a pont.
Ideally you want to cover two numbers with max odds and that includes the come out roll. If you hit your number you regress to a single place bet. Unfortunately, in a real world this kind of beting system does not work. 7s show with an amazing regularity, your losses will be tremendous. Most players with limited income try to be on a safe side, in other words, they aim to brake even, that is why they bet pass line with single odds and ' inside' numbers. If you play in such a manner you'll be at the table a bit longer with somewhat less looney being lost.
Welcome to the Forum, Ldubs! The 'proper number' of Come bets you have at any one time really comes down to personal preference and bankroll size. I would argue that there is no 'optimum' number. I guess there is a valid argument for 0 being the optimum number, but what fun is that? :)
Each Pass Line or Come bet will be exposed to the house edge of 1.41%. This means that on average, for every $10 Line or Come bet you make, the house will make an average on $0.14. Of course, you will not lose 14c on each single bet. You will either win $10 or lose $10, but over the course of many, many bets, the house will win slightly more than you will win. And if you add up all those wins & losses, the house is expected to come out ahead by 1.41% of all the money you have put into action.
Back to your first question, the number of Come bets you have up, and whether or not to replace them when they hit all depends on whatever amount of action you feel comfortable with. And this has a lot to do with your bankroll. Craps can have a very high variance (intensity of up & down swings) when you place full odds on your Line & Come bets. And, if you are not properly bankrolled, you may go broke within a few minutes at the table.
Personally, I'm kind of a low roller. I'll usually do a Line bet and 1 Come bet (both with odds). If I'm winning, I might go to 2 Come bets. I always will replace them when they hit.
As to your second question, most people I have seen at the tables do not place any Come bets. I typically see more Place bettors (betting on individual numbers) than Come bettors. Of the come bettors that I do see, the majority have 1 or 2 Come bets going at any one time. It is very rarely that I will see someone betting the 'Continuous Come' as you described, placing a Come bet before every roll.
the limits are your skills and your bankroll and your desires.
IF you can't keep track that ALL your bets are being properly positioned by the dealers, then you have too many.
Even if you can keep track of things, I would recommend stopping at two come bets. You will wish you had done this if you get every number covered..and then the seven rolls.
I used to do a PassLine bet, followed by two come bets followed by two don'tcome bets but forum members seem to think this is unwise.

I am new at craps, and have learned that it is advisable to have 3 total bets max at a time (pass line bet and two come bets, all with odds). What should I do if I win a come bet or two, continue placing more come bets somImalways have 3 on the table? Or, should I take my winnings for each point won, and going from 3 bets, to 2, then 1 after a few wins, (leaving just the place bet) and wait until a 7 comes up,and we start over?
2nd question. Do most people play as many come bets as possible or stop at 3 total bets. I've seen videos where they keep placing come bets until all the numbers are covered, and then they continue to make come bets after winning a pont.

depends on your bankroll and playing style. the math is the same.
I used to do either pass/continuous come or 3point Betty. (max odds)
now I just do a single large passline w/max odds.
that way when I hit my win goal, I just leave.
Craps is paradise (Pair of dice). Lets hear it for the SpeedCount Mathletes :)
That's just it.. the game lures you into making more and more bets.
As you learn more about it, you start to realize that many bets can be used in HEDGING STRATEGIES, for example, a $5 yo-11 bet made on the come-out roll, when you bet don't-pass. That makes you consider making even more bets, and you quickly understand why a lot of players make 'any craps' bets when they come-out on pass-line bets.
HOWEVER, mathematically, the more bets you make, the less you win. This is a fact.
There was a really famous carps player, I forget his name, but he had a tremendous run over a few years. He only made ONE pass-line bet, and took his chances. That's your best bet - only one pass or don't-pass line bet, and then take maximum odds offered by the house.
But then when you play the game, as you wait for your one number to come, it seems like every other number gets rolled, so you want to make place and come bets. You think about 'HOT ROLLS', if only you'd made those number bets, you'd be a millionaire..
Yep. Its working great

Come Bet In Craps Strategy

on you. THE GAME IS EVIL. I love it too.
When I first played, the dice got on a hot roll and I asked to guy next to me, 'how many come bets should I make, and when should I stop'? He said 'Oh, I just keep on coming'. THE DUDE WAS A SHILL!! Nobody can play that aggressively and win over the long-run.
SUGGESTION: You can get WinCraps or EGamers_Suite, and you can test craps strategies out Monte-Carlo style, just to prove to yourself what I'm saying about multiple bets in craps. Hopefully, while your at it, you will realize that THERE ARE NO WINNING STRATEGIES.. craps cannot be beaten over a long period of time. To believe so is an admission that you believe in fairy tales, either that or you cheat.
The only way to win in craps is to be standing on the other side of the table. That's why the industry exists in the first place.. 'Vegas was NOT built on winners'.
I would say 'good luck', but I know better.

Betting On The Come

The difference between zero and the smallest possible number? It doesn't matter; once you cross that edge, it might as well be the difference between zero and 1. The difference between infinity and reality? They are mutually exclusive.
Best bets in craps and why
on you. THE GAME IS EVIL. I love it too.
When I first played, the dice got on a hot roll and I asked to guy next to me, 'how many come bets should I make, and when should I stop'? He said 'Oh, I just keep on coming'. THE DUDE WAS A SHILL!! Nobody can play that aggressively and win over the long-run.
SUGGESTION: You can get WinCraps or EGamers_Suite, and you can test craps strategies out Monte-Carlo style, just to prove to yourself what I'm saying about multiple bets in craps. Hopefully, while your at it, you will realize that THERE ARE NO WINNING STRATEGIES.. craps cannot be beaten over a long period of time. To believe so is an admission that you believe in fairy tales, either that or you cheat.
The only way to win in craps is to be standing on the other side of the table. That's why the industry exists in the first place.. 'Vegas was NOT built on winners'.
I would say 'good luck', but I know better.

Betting On The Come

The difference between zero and the smallest possible number? It doesn't matter; once you cross that edge, it might as well be the difference between zero and 1. The difference between infinity and reality? They are mutually exclusive.
Your post reminds me of a joke that has been posted here before, but bears repeating:
'Dealer has 'rock'.. Pay 'paper!'
Thanks to you and everyone on this forum. I am looking forward to reading more here and learning. I have always been intimidated by the craps table, but now I can 't wait to go to the casino! I live near Niagara Falls and the dollar is really good right now vs the Canadian dollar. They have some nice casinos there.
Every once in awhile I'll make continuous, or nearly continuous come bets.
I like to take a shot.
Marty gave you great advice though: just bet PL and take max odds, and forget come or place bets.
Heed this: only an idiot would play craps and expect / need to win over the long run.
Ain't happening.see: http://www.cardplayer.com/poker-news/17147-steve-wynn-never-seen-a-gambler-win-over-the-long-run
Think of it as expensive entertainment, much like good scotch, good weed, or a nubile mistress.
Fun ain't for free.

Fun ain't for free.

Are you in one of those upside down beds they had Christopher Reeve in the last helplessly miserable years of his life?
I can't believe what I believe.

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